Monday, September 8, 2008

Manic (NOT) Monday

I have having a very difficult time focussing on work, at work, today.

Part of it is probably that it is Monday.
Part of it is that I have a product to write about, and if it is not the most boring product to write about (barring cables) then I don't want to see what the most boring product looks like.
Part of it is that there are other things I would like to be writing about.
Part of it is that there are other things I would like to be reading about (i.e. my NFL team's impressive Week 1 victory yesterday, the political news -- such as it is, blogs I like to catch up and comment on).

I'm usually a pretty good self-starter, and pretty disciplined. But I am just not on it today. My mind is wandering; I am looking a these tech specs as if they are written in Chinese; and I just want to be miles away from here getting real stuff (i.e. housework) done. Because the weekend was busy, and I didn't get anything accomplished at home. Or I keep glancing at the clock, and lamenting how much longer I have until lunchtime -- and I don't even like the food my cafe serves.

I wonder how Monday stacks up on the productivity scale. Higher or lower than Friday? I am better on Friday, I think. I am motivated to get done everything on my desk and not leave anything hanging.

I may leave this product hanging until Wednesday at the rate I am going.

The Emails are a Prime Distraction, Thank You

Last week was all about my coworkers and former employees getting in a tizzy regarding the Republican's VP pick. See, there is this email distribution list that I was kindly (used loosely) included upon, and the subject is generally political in nature. And everyone on the list is pretty much a raging liberal (I am, if I may be so bold, a conservative liberal). So the entertainment points are pretty high, but it is difficult to actually work when my email in-box is pinging at me every other minute with someone else's snarky opinion/observation. (Believe me, I participated. I think I was less snarky and more, "Watch out! She is dangerous." But I'm sure I had my snarky moments.)

Then I got side-tracked into an email correspondence with a former employee that was fun, but a time-waster. And while I was answering her emails, I was fretting about what I should be doing instead, and also wondering about her job, and if it was just a slow day for her that she could just email this person she doesn't even know, but clearly wanted to chat with because something I had emailed had caught her attention. We compared notes on family, where we live, our jobs, and even exchanged pictures of our kids. And I would truly love to have lunch with her, because it seems we may be sympatico and all, but, dudette, I gotta work.

And Then There's Lunch

And all I really want to say is, it's a good thing I didn't say anything about the bone in Ray's sausage, because there is no way a sentence like that about one of your co-workers is going to come out right.

(They were serving kielbasa in the cafe, and either Ray of Sunshine chipped a tooth or found a bone in it, which fact alone almost made the vegetarian-me throw up in my mouth a little bit.)

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