Thursday, August 21, 2008

My Workplace is a Ghost Town

I don't know if it's the time of the year, or if JD is sticking pins in voodoo dolls (knock it off if you are, JD), but this place is a ghost town.

Quiet Guy is on vacation;
International Catalog took a day off;
Young Guy took today off;
Ray of Sunshine had to leave to take care of his wife, who fell and broke her wrist;
The Fat Lady is on vacation;
Odd Duck has pneumonia -- who knows when she'll be back?
Quiet Lady is on vacation;
Web Lady is on vacation.

We had to combine lunch tables today. Which was a fun change up, but I have done about 10 flow and edits today; Busy Writer has done two; and Senior Writer is still catching up from her vacation, plus doing some of Odd Duck's work.

I'm lighting some candles in church so no one else disappears over the weekend!

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