Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Here's Looking at You

I've been holding onto this idea for about six months now. "Stay-at-home mom returns to full time work in Cubicleland."

Actually, I've done more than be a SAHM over the course of my working life (after college). When I graduated, I had just been laid off from a job as editorial assistant at a weekly newspaper. That started my freelancing career -- with my salary supplemented by my full-time job as office assistant at a local university.

I've done a little of everything: freelance writer and editor, some graphic design work, full-time writer, work-at-home mom, stay-at-home mom. Since February, I've been working full-time again, as a copy writer.

When I started here, I reconnected with a man I knew more than 10 years ago. It was a relief to know someone (albeit not well -- we were acquaintances "back in the day", nothing more) at my new job. At the very least, I had someone to eat lunch with, you know?

JD and I were very sympatico -- the same things made us laugh or groan or drove us crazy, for example. We shared the taste for strong coffee (hence downstairs coffee). Also, sometimes, JD was like my husband, which was weird (I don't mean in a physical way). They had parallel ideas, especially about home improvement products and tool care.

In short, he was fun to work with. We were definitely a mutual admiration society. Also, based on some of the looks we got walking around the campus, people thought a little more than a professional relationship was going on, but I assure you, there was nothing of that sort happening.

Yesterday was his last day. He is going to pursue an opportunity (a great opportunity) in another field.

I figured it was time to start this here weblog. Because who else am I going to vent to?

This one's for you, JD.